Two horrible crimes were to blame for changes in the USA
Hi, everybody. It’s me, the Suspicious Gringo, here again to recommend some web sites that give “real true” information about the world situation.
Two horrible crimes were to blame for changes in the USA, and throughout the world:
The first one was the murder of John F. Kennedy, by rogue elements of his own government. There were eight sharpshooters —six of them are missing, and one of them was the father of actor Woody Harrelson, who has spoken about what his father did. One of the results of this murder was the abomination called Vietnam War.
The second one was the inside job of 9/11. The video called “JFK to 9/11, everything’s a rich man’s trick” can be seen on YouTube.
And this is just for background. Now, what has it led to?
Check out, watch the intervew of Elana Freeland, who wrote the book, “Chemtrails, HAARP, and full spectrum dominance of the planet Earth”.
Her previous interviews of Catherine Austin Fitts is also worth watching.
Once again, I ask you not to believe everything or anyone, even me. Do your own research and critical thinking. See you next time.
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