Last year, in Acapulco the first “Acarchapulco” was held and proclaimed a great success. Jeff Berwick, an investment counselor, is an anarchist living there. He has two websites: The Dollar Vigilante, and Anarchast. You can see them on YouTube. He explains that the word anarchy simply means (an = without) and (archy = ruler), “without a ruler.” And, anyway, who needs a ruler to control one’s life. The news media happily conflated nihilism, communism and terrorism into the one word “anarchism.” Thereby, misleading the readers into believing that anarchism was anything but a thoughtful and peaceful way of the individual person’s actualization of his or her life without the interference of the heavy hand of government.
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The second annual Anarchapulco will be held from February 19th to 21st in Acapulco. There will be many speakers, some of whom I’ve mentioned in this column before. I’m not going, but I know the speakers will give insightful views of the present state of the world.
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