Chapala order to close non-essential businesses is forcing shut-downs and changes
Business closed before COVID 19
Patrick O’Heffernan (Ajijic).- The mayor of Jalisco issued an order Thursday afternoon closing down all non-essential businesses. The order listed 32 types of non-essential including liquor stores, offices and hotel. Restaurants are not on the list, but restaurant owners are reporting they are closing also, including stopping take-out.
There is now no live music in Lakeside. Musicians and venues are responding by going online. Ray Domenech of Casa Domenech is livestreaming the Hoping for the Best Tour of online jazz concerts. Daniel Cordero has started the One Man (social distancing) Band 30-day challenge, posting a song a day. Lakesider Ginetta Silvi, currently in New York, is live streaming jazz on Facebook. Guitarists/singers Beto Moreno and Chris Cuevas Ibarra are posting live videos. The Lakeside Entertainment Facebook Group is posting notices of livestream music and entertainment videos.
Many galleries have been closed already, hard hit by tourist travel restrictions and the return home of Ex-pats to keep their health benefits. Some galleries and artists are shifting online, like Cathy Chalvignac, Sacha Phariss and photographer Maureen. Guadalajara-based singer/artist Jaramar has recently launched an online art auction on Facebook.
Grocery stores, Walmart, Superlake, and most tiendas that sell food and drink are open, but some street vendors and food carts ae beginning to close down. The official Decree, titled Extraordinary Actions to Address the Health Emergency Generated by the SARS-COV2 Virus, was published March 31, 2020, in the Official Gazette of the Federation. The Mayor’s Thursday announcement can be found at
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