It is estimated that the gate – which was knocked down by a private vehicle – had been lying there for at least five years.
The gate of the cemetery creek, which was replaced last Monday, January 17.
Sofía Medeles (Ajijic, Jal.) – The creekbed located inside the Ajijic cemetery will no longer be used as a garbage dump, as of last Monday, January 17. Personnel from the Delegation took charge of putting the gate back in place.
According to some testimonies, approximately five years ago the gate was knocked down by a private vehicle and had never been put back in place.
According to Maximiliano Macías Arceo, the Ajijic delegado, the creekbed has been cleaned three times since the administration began, a little over 100 days ago. The neighbors are so used to throwing garbage in that place that the day the gate was put back up (while the delegado and his assistants left to get a chain to secure the gate), garbage had been thrown in the creekbed during their brief absence.
Macías Arceo commented that the creek is used as a dumping ground for different types of waste, ranging from leaf litter and garden waste, to debris and other types of garbage, which causes many complaints because the creek was used as if it were a garbage dump.
«There were many reports of people littering. An elderly man thanked us for putting back the gate that was just lying there, and we told him that it was mostly because it is not possible for us to clean up so often,” stated the person in charge of the office.
As for the northern part of the cemetery, at the entrance on the Chapala-Jocotepec highway where the bridge is located, Macías Arceo was asked if the Delegation would take steps to prevent littering there as well. Macías Arceo said that he is aware that, in addition to littering, some people use the site as a restroom. The place gives off a strong odor, so he intends to contact the director of Public Works to find a solution, such as putting up some fences to block access to the part of the creek that crosses the cemetery of Ajijic.
It is expected that, in the short term, there will also be a restriction in the passage through the creek, since there are people who not only throw garbage away there, but also are using it as a bathroom
Likewise, during the rainy season the gates will be opened to prevent the stream from damaging the gate again. «Although the lower part of the gate has bars to allow the water to pass through, we prefer to open the gates to prevent the gate from falling again,» said Macias Arceo.
He also clarified that in case it is necessary to bring things into the cemetery through the creek, permission can be given to the Delegation to open the gate. On the other hand, on occasions such as the Day of the Dead, the opening of this access will have a schedule.
Finally, he said that the gates will remain open from early in the morning, so that people can enter to maintain their tombs, in addition to asking for the support of those who attend to keep the space clean.
Translated by Colleen Beery
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