A makeshift entrance, lack of a custodian, and bathrooms in poor condition, among other problems, reported the parents.
The provisional entrance to the kindergarten is through the Cruz Azul sports field.
Sofía Medeles – The construction works at the Auditorium of La Ribera, in Ajijic, unleashed complaints from parents of the students of the Aurelia Flores kindergarten, located next to the auditorium, due to the blockage of the entrance and the deplorable state of its infrastructure.
The first of the problems mentioned was the lack of an entrance, since the beginning of the school year in August 2021. When returning to classes, after the pandemic, parents discovered that the main entrance, located next to the Auditorio de la Ribera, was closed due to construction, so the provisional entrance is through the Cruz Azul sports field.
«There are many problems with the entrance. To begin with, the people from the field ask us not to cross, and to go around the field, so that the grass is not damaged. This causes, for example, that in times of rain, our path is flooded, and both the children and the parents get wet. For us there is no problem, we go home and change, but the children get wet feet and get sick,» mentioned one of the mothers interviewed.
In addition, the mothers denounced another group of shortcomings of the kindergarten, among them walls with damages that present a risk of falling; several bathrooms out of service – they reported that there are only two working; awnings in bad condition; and the lack of a custodian.
«Since we started the (school) cycle, there hasn’t been a custodian, because the previous one resigned, so among the parents we agreed to pay someone to do the cleaning. But we couldn’t arrange it. They say that one is going to come in, but this shows that neither the State Government nor the City Hall are looking at the kindergarten’s deficiencies,” added another of the mothers.
For her part, the president of the parents’ committee, Lucía Padilla, assured that the school’s director has already been in charge of sending an endless number of letters to ask for resources and personnel, but the authorities limit themselves to answering in a positive manner and the petitions never arrive.
«We are going back to school with many deficiencies, and it was two years in which the kindergarten was abandoned. Not only this one, but several schools are in bad condition. The Secretary of Education has neglected the schools. Not only the parents, but also the director is desperate for an answer, and above all, actions,» stated Lucía.
Regarding the entrance, Lucía commented that, although the provisional entrance is annoying, they prefer that to the children entering through the main entrance, since due to the work being done – which the workers themselves told them has no end date – an accident could occur that could harm the students.
Finally, Lucia commented that there is no way to obtain resources, since the pandemic situation prevents them from holding events. «How can there be a work of considerable investment, next to a kindergarten that is in poor condition, and that school not receive attention, even if it is just a little bit?” she questioned. “The community should know that we are going to try to improve the school, but it cannot be done without everyone’s help.”
Translated by Sandy Britton
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